Saturday, 2 August 2014

KI o rahi players of Room 11 ready to play as Taniwha team


  1. Guys cool keep it UP

  2. For the MOA awards we would like to do best animation based on the Christchurch earthquakes in a Lego CCTV tower getting destroyed in an earthquake and people working in their offices.

    1. Now remember that New Zealanders died in this disaster and would not be something to make a comedy about

  3. For the MOA awards we would like to do a graphic design poster with Muai and the moon and the Matariki stars up in the dawn sky. Muai in a wooden waka.

    1. this sounds interesting...tell me more of your idea.

    2. There will be Maui and mona and the matariki stars in the poster. There will be heaps of cool Maori patterned shapes that harlequin can do and Maui will be sitting in a waka enjoying mona and matariki

  4. Best short movie

    Nrl rugby league warriors vs Eels played in parramatta New South Wales Australia. The commentators are Reuben smith pharellhodge

    1. OK...what about maybe doing highlights of a famous real game...last years grand final or a special game.

    2. have you picked a game that you are going to do?
      what was the score?
      Who scored tries?
      Do you have the stuff to do this with lego?
      How are you going to make the teams up with your lego?

  5. The best music video

  6. Best music video
    for the music video we are doing a dancing video to bob marley

    1. Which song? what are your ideas?

    2. Dear Mr. Sefton,
      Music Video,
      For the Moa Awards we would like to do the music video. The music video would be really fun for people who love dancing, wrapping and singing because would give them a chance to do those things. We know that most boys like wrapping and girls like dancing & singing. We're really good at making up dance moves because Lorin has been dancing for 5 years and Jaunte has been dancing for 5 years as we'll. so it would be fun for everyone. The people that don't like dancing, wrapping and singing can watch and maybe even film. So it would be good for people who like to film to. It would also give other people a chance to do what they love for once. The song will be Katy Perry dark horse Because it's got a lots of wrapping in it also Jaunte has a book with the words in it so she could photo copy that. We could dress up like Egyptian because in the video they did and Lorin has lots of dress up Egyptian clothes for the girls. Plus the boys can were skinny jeans and a plane top. We are going to film on the junior court. The people in the video will be Lorin, Jaunte, Brody and Pharrell and Caleb. The back-up dancers are Lexus and Miriama. This is going to be a comedy music video.

      From Jaunte, Lorin.

  7. For the Moa awards we are going to do a Matariki poster. Matariki are seven stars in the sky. Matariki comes once a year in late May and early June. Matariki is also called in opunake Rigel or Pūanga

    1. sounds great have a go at planning something.

    2. Can you please keep going with our ki o rahi on Explain everything as well?

  8. For the moa awards we are going to do a poster about Ki -o-rahi

    1. Sounds great. Why don't you continue to develop our Explain everything concept.

  9. For the Moa awards we would like to enter a short film about a Lego pike river mine.

  10. some research about it and see.

  11. The best music video
    By Lexus and Miriama
    Our idea for the MOA awards is that there are five groups with five people in them and they will sing little bits of the song all the songs will be different
    Theses will be the songs.
    Happy by Pharrell Williams
    2. Bulletproof by Stan Walker
    3. Take it easy by Stan Walker
    4. The lazy song by Bruno Mars
    5. I knew you were trouble when you walked in by Taylor Swift
    The whole class will sing a song and that three little birds by Bob Marley

    1. I do not want to sing same with Jaree.

    2. you might need to ask around and see who would be interested in being involved and plan it out on the storyboard sheets.

  12. Me and jaree we are doing a Lego wahine sort of thing.

  13. Sounds good. You will need to find out who wants to be involved in your video and how you plan to edit all these songs together. You will need to plan what you are going to use as props and background scenes.
    Is there any pattern that the songs might go quiet songs building up to noisey songs or tell a story with the songs...?

  14. Me and jaree we are doing a Lego wahine disaster.

    1. can you start planning your layout on the storyboard sheets

  15. We could stand behind the white screen and have the video of the song playing with out music playing

  16. Scary Taniwha run away everyone
